I don't have much to say so I'll just write about my weekend. Saturday was not a good day, at least that's how it started. I needed to reformat my computer, and it was supposed to be a simple process that would take about 35 minutes. Well, there was a problem and it kept shutting itself off during the reformat. It was starting to look like it was never going to be reformatting. Let me tell ya I was really worrying because it wouldn't have a windows operating system until it was formatted. After several hours it finally decided to go through with the reformat, and several hours later everything was as good as knew. Thank goodness. We also went to McDonald's to get lunch after about the 100th time that the computer restarted during the reformat. We were both frustrated, and hungry. So things seemed to get worse when McDonald's shorted us on a set of fries and our straws for our drinks. Matt was in a bad mood and didn't want to go back to get them. I was in a pissy mood as well.
But finally everything ended up working out. Sunday wasn't that exciting. I read for school and took a quiz. The quiz was freaking hard. I scored 4.5 out of 5, and I am so lucky I did. We also went grocery shopping and got yummy $5 foot longs at subway. Subway makes the best sandwiches. Then I spent the rest of the evening talking online to Anna, Lacey and Lauren.
Yep..that's my weekend. Not too exciting. Hopefully my next update will be more exciting.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Is Anything How You Picture It?
I stumbled upon some pictures online of the characters that play in the Twilight movie. I have yet to see the movie. I couldn't believe how different the characters were in my minds eye, but somehow still the same. How many of you ever think that the movies don't live up to what you picture if your mind when you're reading? I haven't started reading the fourth book in the Twilight series yet. I have it, but I have just been busy with other things. I hope to read it soon. When I have a chance I have been reading a book about the Murder of Laci Peterson, but I haven't read it for a while, it was upsetting, and I wanted to take a break from it. I am also reading Delia's Heart by V.C. Andrews and haven't really gotten to read it at length yet. From what I have read of it I really enjoy it. V.C. Andrews is my all time favorite author. The things she writes about are so twisted, and yet so real. I love how she was never afraid to approach subjects that are considered taboo.
Nothing much is knew around here. We're just taking things one day at a time and getting by. School is going okay, I would enjoy a break from it for a bit, but that's not going to happen any time soon. So far so good with the grades still have a 4.0. Managed to get a 99.16% in my last class. I may have already wrote that on here, I can't remember. I am taking Interpersonal Communications right now, and I feel like I have really learned a lot. I just hope that my grade is good. The prof seems like she will be a hard grader, but that's life.
How is everyone doing?
Nothing much is knew around here. We're just taking things one day at a time and getting by. School is going okay, I would enjoy a break from it for a bit, but that's not going to happen any time soon. So far so good with the grades still have a 4.0. Managed to get a 99.16% in my last class. I may have already wrote that on here, I can't remember. I am taking Interpersonal Communications right now, and I feel like I have really learned a lot. I just hope that my grade is good. The prof seems like she will be a hard grader, but that's life.
How is everyone doing?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Self Perception
I haven't written in a few days so I just thought I'd drop in and post. This past week in school we had to write a self perception. As I sat writing mine, I realized a lot of things about myself. Then I became confused. It's really true the more you think about something, the more confused you can become. The realization I had about myself made me start thinking about the things I can work on. Made me think about the things I need to change. It was kind of embarrassing to share with my classmates how I really view myself, but as I said to another classmate it almost seemed theraputic and I think I really needed it. When was the last time you took a good look at yourself, and how you view yourself? I am really nothing more than a small girl, trembling in a corner, longing to be held and praised. I tend to shy away from large crowds, or compliments. I have a hard time believing people when they say nice things about me, or to me. Also I have always been afraid to be confident or show confidence or pride. I am this way, because I have been taught to beleive that if you act too prideful or confident you will jinx yourself and bad things will happen. It has been my experience in life, when I am happy and things are going well, and I finally smile, the world crashes around me. I guess you could say that I am slightly shell shocked. I love Matt to death, and he compliments me a lot, but I'm always left wondering if the words are just empty. He assures me they are not, but I am still working on accepting the fact that I may be pretty, funny, or smart.
Okay well enough of my rambling.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Catching My Breath

I haven't really posted much lately. I've been busy working on my final research paper for my class that ended yesterday. It is worth 20% of our final grades. I am nervous to see what my grade will be on the paper, and for the class. It was a struggle for me, but I feel like I did walk away from the class with more insight on paper writing than I went into it with. As most of you know I dream of being a published writer, so I am willing to learn any skills out there that will make my dream a reality. The class I just finished was Composition II. I just started a new class today, it's called Interpersonal Communications. I actually have a few people from my last class in this class as well. It's always nice to have someone familiar in a new setting. I'm trying hard to hold onto my 4.0 GPA, but I am sure now that the classes are getting harder I wont be able to hold onto it for long.
We got some good news in the mail Monday, that will help us out financially a small bit at least for a little while. I pray that we find some type of work soon as we really need to get caught up with things. If any of you know anyone that would be interested in buying some cookbooks let me know. I have a ton of them here that are very nice and in great condition that I need to sell. They're just sitting on a shelf in our extra closet. I just feel like I need to stop and catch my breath for a while, and I hope I can do that soon. Today and tonight has been kinda mellow and that's the way I like it.
The picture I posted with this blog is such a perfect picture. I can imagine myself drifting off to the beautiful Kansas prairie and it just makes me want to smile. I've always felt a strong pull to the prairie and prairie life. I can't wait to get some time to just write, I have a story that takes place in Missouri & Kansas in the late 1800's that I'd like to get back to work on. Well, not sure what else to say so I guess I'll go. Feel free to ask me questions and leave comments :)
Saturday, February 7, 2009
My Message Board
This is the link to my baby names message board. It's called Baby Name Prairie. Please feel free to join. I haven't been doing much with the site lately, but I'd like to get back into it, and have it grow. As most of you know I have always loved baby names, so the site is a great way to be able to find over name lovers. I hope to see you all there :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
My New Fridge
Yup, that's right I'm writing a blog about a fridge lol. I'm just so happy to have gotten the fridge home yesterday. We have lived here 10 months and haven't had a fridge to use in the house the whole time. We've been using a super old fridge in our garage that we are sure will just stop working at any moment. So yesterday we got a fridge, it was a total event getting it in the house. Apparently someone didn't measure to allow for the door handles on the fridge to fit through our front door. So we tried to bring it in through either door in our house, and it simply wasn't going to work. So in the end we ended up taking the front door off, taking the glass storm door off, and some door trimming, and still having to take one door off of the fridge just to get it into the house! Lol then there was the part where everything had to be put back together. All in all though, everything got put back where it needed to be, and I finally have a fridge in my kitchen. I can't wait to get the ice/water dispenser hooked up on it, but that will come when we have someone who can attach it to a water line. Our house was built in 1949 and wasn't really designed for modern things like washers and dryers and the like, so now the kitchen seems rather crowded lol, but I don't mind. I'm just thrilled to have the fridge here..finally!
So here are some pictures, sorry they aren't the best quality. So what do you think?

So here are some pictures, sorry they aren't the best quality. So what do you think?
Monday, February 2, 2009
Why do I feel like I'm a curse? Like I'm not worthy of a damn thing? Why do I feel like I am being punished for being a bad person? Am I a bad person? I feel dizzy, I feel sick, I feel...I feel like..why should I even feel anymore. What's the point?
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