Hey all,
I know it's been months since I last posted on here. Honestly, I felt as though my posts were the same old thing all of the time and were probably as boring for you all to read as they were for me to write. Things lately have been full of drama and I am hoping that has all been left behind me. I used to love the fact that my blog was open to the public, but for a little while it is going to be private, so I will have to add your email addy so that you can be listed as an approved reader. I am hoping that with time the drama will fade and I can open it back up to all that might want to read it.

So, just to get all of my emotions out about the drama that has happened lately in my life with real life and computer life...here are some graphics that explain my feelings towards it all.....
This graphic sums up how I feel about a few people, they really are simply cunts. I apologize if anyone is offended, but seriously don't tell me you have never felt this way about a cunt that has been in your life lol.

This nice little icon here just makes me laugh out loud. There are so many people out there that crave attention, that thrive on drama...these people will solely be referred to by me as Drama Whores. This is to all of the attention seeking, smoke blowing, lying, two-faced bitches out there.
Okay, now that all of that is out of my system I feel much better. Since my blog is only able to be read by people that I trust I feel like I can speak more freely and get some of my emotions out and damn it feels good. Our court date is coming up on Wednesday (27th) and as far as everything looks now our case will most likely be dismissed which sucks, but we will just deal with it as it comes. I spoke to our mortgage lender tonight and that actually went pretty well. It seems like we might have some hope after all. So please keep your fingers crossed and send some good thoughts or prayers my way over this matter.
School is going well, it's kind of blah but graduation is set for October 2010, so I am trying to hang in there. The new Dean's List came out today, and guess what? I'm on it! I have successfully made the Dean's List each time it has been issued since I have been attending. I am thrilled. Here is the link if you want to look me up. Just look for Amanda Stafford in Buffalo, Mo :)
http://www.ashford.edu/deanslist/ I am going to go ahead and wrap this up, but I hope to be posting around here more often. I hope that you all leave me some comments.