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Thursday, February 13, 2014

Commercialized Holidays

So I have been hearing and seeing people the last few days talking about how much they either love or hate Valentine's Day. Those who have someone special in their lives and have plans to at least share some time with that special someone usually enjoy Valentine's Day and are not often heard speaking ill of it. Those who do not have a partner, or are not going to see their partner or obtain material gifts are often the ones who speak ill of the holiday. I personally think that Valentine's Day was created as a way for companies to make money off of the consumer. With that said I do have a husband that I love, and while many years we have not given gifts that does not mean we do not love one another. Each day in the little things we show that love. Love is not something that happens once a year, and it is not something that should only be shown once a year. No matter what your situation is, find love in those around you and do not be afraid to let them know you love them. All too often we keep our feelings to ourselves only to regret unspoken words when those we love are gone, and we never told them how we felt, or did not tell them often enough.

While I no have fancy Valentine's Day plans, I have something even better. I have two valentines who love me each day of the year, my husband and my son <3 p="">

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's me again!

Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since my last update. I often think about what I want to post, but then I never make it on here to post. I finally have a laptop again after mine gave out a few months ago. I thought a few times about posting from my Nook Tablet, but I am awful at typing on those touch screen keyboards. So now that I finally have a laptop again, I am hoping I can find the time to update more often. Archer has made so much progress since I last posted. I am hoping by updating my blog more often, I can also help keep a record of his milestones so that he can look back and read about them someday. He turned 18 months old on Jan 29th and went for his 18 month check up on Feb 4th. He weighed in at 20lbs 8.8oz! He is also 30.25 inches tall. He is still very small for his age, but he is finally on the growth charts and we are very proud of that. He still has some trouble with congenital muscle disorder, but he is able to crawl, walk and run now! He literally goes from the time he wakes up, until he falls asleep. Most days he does not even have a nap. His vocabulary is excellent, I can think of at least 40 words off the top of my head that he can say. He is still not wanting to feed himself and hates to get anything on his hands, but we are working on that. He eats like a champion though and has not refused anything we have given him. I hope he does not become a picky eater later in life.

In the past I often posted about school, well I am proud to say November 11, 2013 brought the completion of my bachelor's degree! I am so proud of myself for sticking with it and finishing. I never thought I would go to college, much less graduate with a 3.99 GPA and the highest honors given by my school. It would be nice if those in my life acknowledged by accomplishment, but at least I am proud of myself and Matt and Archer are proud of me. Several online friends have congratulated me and that means the world to me, because I know they care.

I am not sure what else to update with. Is there anyone out there hoping that I will update?