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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Sugar Coated

My life is not sugar coated, very few attempt to spare my feelings and even if they are trying to, they let me know what they are really trying to say. I have spent my entire life trying to please others, being sympathetic and putting myself in the other person's shoes. I often sugar coat things in an attempt not to hurt their feelings. I think I have put myself on the back burner for too long, I have spared everyone but myself. So from here on out I will not be sugar coating anything for anyone. I will speak my mind. I will say what I think, think what I say, and stand up for my beliefs. I have had several people tell me straight out and some in a round about way that I should not talk about my financial troubles, about being depressed or about anything less than sunshine, flowers, unicorns and fairytale bliss. Well, maybe I am a negative person, but my experiences in life have made me that way. Maybe I cannot see through rose colored glasses, because those glasses were ripped off of my face years ago, exposing me to everything I had been oblivious of up until that point. This is my blog, I am going to write about whatever crosses my mind. If my language or attitude offends anyone, then please feel free not to read. I wont apologize for my thoughts, I would not expect you to apologize for yours either. I have noticed more traffic on my blog recently, and I would love to receive feedback from all of you that are reading. I also would like to thank my new follower for her words of encouragement.


  1. Way to GO Amanda!! I am so excited to continue hearing more. Glad you aren't listening to others. You are who you are and are beautiful in your own ways. Keep blogging your heart out girl. :)
